Yes, I know, not all that original - but when it's a Star Trek wedding, you have limited options.
I love Star Trek.
In fact, I love anything that requires having an imagination, but fantasy themes stir me.
When I was young, a comment was made that I was born either 200 years too soon, or too late. Not entirely true, as I can exist quite nicely right in the present reality, however a Star Trek theme wedding? Oh my YES!
A word of caution about anyone wanting to do theme weddings. Go hard, or go home.
If you are going to do it, it will cost money, a lot of time researching and trying to be authentic in your own way - but the results are well worth it. It's like ceremonial Cosplay. And ask any cosplayer or re enactor, they play for keeps and often very seriously.
That doesn't mean it's not fun. It is, it is LOADS of fun. In my case I have an absolute ball of a time, and the investment of extra time and money (within reason), is my choice, and I rarely regret it.
But standing up giving a Vulcan salute at the end of a ceremony, doesn't make it Star Trek themed. The best ceremonies I have attended and participated in took a fair bit of effort, but to outstanding effect. Best of all, a couple was married, was happy with their day and guests experienced something new.
Usually if someone is wanting a themed wedding, no matter what the theme, it will be something close to their hearts. Such was the case with this wedding. Carlia and Francis are avid Trekkys, and knew exactly what they wanted.
The Venue
Kryal Castle is about a 1.5hr drive north from Melbourne, up towards Ballarat. It's a reproduction castle built in the 1970's, and is a great place for weddings and events.
The staff are usually quite young, however they have always given excellent customer service and clearly are quite professional and knowledgeable. And besides, most people seem young to me these days lol.
I stayed for 2 nights in a room with a shower built into a turret - it was HUGE! I loved it.
The area around Kryal is great for making a weekend out of a wedding or event, day trips are easy, Daylesford and Ballarat are an easy drive, or you can make the most of the attractions at the castle itself.
The Ceremony
This is where the theme of the wedding played out in full splendor. Guests joined into the fun of dressing up, with people in all sorts of Trek-themed gear. Klingon, Betazoid, Human - we all mingled nicely and no battles broke out

I'd love to show you how colourful all the guests were, however, being at the front of the setting, I don't often have a camera in my hands.

The bride and groom were seated on thrones. There were theatrics before the ceremony with the Trials of the Matriarch - in which the groom had to earn the right to marry the bride - who then had to consent to the marriage.
'We can be grateful that this wedding is being held on Earth. Should we be celebrating Ferengi nuptials, the bride would be naked and sold at auction. In Betazoid tradition we would all be naked. Klingon law would have us attack the happy couple with Ma’stakas a ceremonial weapon. And Vulcan rites include the Kal-if-fee or passion fight, resulting in the death of one of the two suitors.'
In true Klingon Tradition, the couple then battled with matching Bat'leth

Guests had all contributed a portion of sand to the Unity Sand holder, which was formed like a Warp Coil, and lit up when plugged in - which we did once the bride and grooms sand sealed the deal.
Francis and his mate Sam did a truly awesome job building the Warp Core and have uploaded a video on You tube
The ceremony was very family-centric, which I love. The matriarchs all took centre stage in a few places - all of them are strong powerful women and it was beautiful for that to be recognised without diminishing anything else. Both of Carlia's sisters read a poem, as did Francis' father.
With the handfasting, there were words of strength, support and encouragement for the couple, and each of the ladies had a blessing to give.
The Reception
Delicious food and drinks in the Hall, me off duty, but my beloved husband Dean , as Q, was MC for the evening. He's a very good host and DJ so everyone was up dancing and having a good time.
He did have other costume changes, however this one photo sums it up.....

We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love. - Dr Seuss.

Love is not one moment, not even this moment. It’s every moment.
This was an awesome experience. Aside from the theme of the wedding, I was honoured to be asked by my lovely friends daughter and son in law (to be), in the first place. It was exciting to write the ceremony, and watch how everything behind the scenes came to fruition through a lot of hard work and dedication.
There is so much love and support for Carlia and Francis, and with that surrounding them, they know that no power in the ‘Verse can stop them.....except maybe the Borg.
Before the stars and the Planets of the Universe, standing upon the solid foundations of Mother Earth, you have declared your love and commitment to each other. May you live as long as you wish and love as long as you live. Live Long and Prosper.
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