Do I support and participate in ceremonies with couple of the same gender?
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: Yes, and here's why.
Many many (many) years ago, the time between grandma riding a T-Rex to school and The Avengers movies, I was born.
Fortunately I was raised in an environment that was open and supportive of people in general. Specifically speaking, I was friends with and worked alongside people of GLBTI identity, not because they were identifying with any of these labels, but because they were people I liked and worked with. (Nursing, in case you were wondering).
I did not know then, and still do not recognise that there is a 'normal' in sexuality or sexual identity. People are who they are, and love who they love. As long as they are good to me, treat me well and show respect, that is ALL I care about - anything else is their private business.
So I support everybody's right to enter into marriage - if that is what they wish. I also support the right of anyone not wanting to get married.
Life is Short. Live your life in a way that makes you and those around you happy. Love freely and honestly, and be grateful that you have choice. Love will always be Love.

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