Well, we didn't imagine this happening did we?
Coming into the new year, weddings booked in for the year, nicely balanced between working full time, being a wife and mother and new enquiries. And then.......
Completely derailed the whole train.
Not much else to do except cope as best we can really. I'm almost afraid to start counting on next year, because in reality, it's going to take a while for everyone to come back from this.
Some businesses will not survive, which is heartbreaking. Business' like mine, as a celebrant, are on hold temporarily here in Victoria, until the second wave is under control. I have no problem with this actually, we saw what happened when we opened up quickly the first time. Unfortunately some people still can't see past their own wants, and it sent all of us backward - temporarily!
But this post is not an admonishment of people, it's about the power of community.
My business won't close. I've been going for nearly 16 years now, and I don't plan on giving up. Fortunately I have very few overheads and no employees (roadie husband doesn't count) Before the second lockdown, I was walking a lot and scouting for new sites and venues for weddings. I found a few but they aren't for the faint hearted as some may require lugging furniture and equipment. But the scenery -