I thought the easiest way to get to know me is to answer a couple of
common questions...... So here goes........
1. How many times Have I been married?
Short answer: Twice
Slightly longer answer: Twice, 1st time 1990 - 2007, Second time 2010 - forever because I am not letting him get away!
Considering I was never getting remarried again, was going to be a crazy cat lady, and was perfectly fine with being a cranky divorcee, I now know to NEVER SAY NEVER.

2. How would I describe myself and my style?
I think the words I hear most often are Friendly and Warm. That's from both friends and clients (some of whom are both). I am quite social, I have a good (sometimes irreverent) sense of humour, and have been known to make people laugh (sometimes at my own expense).
However I am also a little introverted, and am happy sitting quietly and reading, or spending one on one time with close friends. Meditation and me time is important, especially with a family around me 24/7.
My style is Ecclectic, which is probably a good all round word for me. Probably like you, I have had a lot of life experiences, and all of those experiences make me who I am. Some good, some great, and some I'd rather forget. But it is who I am. I am as comfortable in an office or professional environment as I am sitting on the beach down at Phillip Island, or walking through the trails in the Yarra Valley and Dandenongs.

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